Application Rationalization: Optimizing Your Application Portfolio

Understanding Application Rationalization 

What is Application Rationalization? 

Technical Evaluation

Streamline operations and enhance agility with Application Rationalization, optimizing IT costs and improving user experience. Application rationalization is the strategic process of evaluating an organization's entire application portfolio to determine the optimal use of each application. It's essentially a decision-making framework that helps businesses identify which applications to keep, replace, retire, or consolidate.

Business Alignment

Assess how each application aligns with current business goals and objectives. 

Business Alignment
Technical Evaluation

Technical Evaluation

Analyze the technical health, security posture, and maintainability of each application.

Optimize IT Costs

Reduce unnecessary spending on redundant or underutilized applications.

Optimize IT Costs
Improve Efficiency

Improve Efficiency

Streamline operations by consolidating similar applications and eliminating outdated ones.

Enhance Agility

Enable faster adaptation to changing business needs by focusing on core applications.

Enhance Agility
Reduce Cyber  Security Risk

Mitigate vulnerabilities by minimizing the attack surface with fewer applications.

Improve User Experience

Ensure users have access to the right tools and applications to perform their tasks effectively.

Improve User Experience